Listing provided courtesy of Hector Calderon of Vision Realty Plus, Inc. Last updated 2024-05-04 09:18:05.000000. Listing information © 2024 Sandicor.

Asking Price: $1,448,800

Country Club, Barstow CA 92311

Community: ​

This Lots/Land property was built in and is priced at $1,448,800. Please see the additional details below.
  • 0 Sq Ft
  • bathrooms
  • bedrooms
  • MLS#: 306051370
  • Type: Lots/Land
  • Year Built:
Located on the West side of Barstow, this 5.4 Acre property is designated as part of the "Diverse Use" Zone in the City of Barstow. According to the City of Barstow's purpose for the district, the goal is "to implement the policies of the general plan, to encourage a harmonious intermingling of business and residential structures, to provide for an increased variety and intermixture of residential, commercial, and office activities, and to enhance the pedestrian usage and character of this district.". Additionally, this property is located in the vicinity of the forth coming Barstow International Gateway (BIG) Project announced in October 2022. Once completed, this 4,500-Acre $1.5 Billion Project by BNSF will be the first of its kind in North America. The project will connect to the Southern California International Gateway (SCIG), streamlining the transportation of goods while also reducing emissions. The proposed BIG facilities, which will include a railyard, intermodal facility and warehouses, will be used to transload freight from smaller international containers to larger domestic containers. "BIG will optimize BNSFs rail and distribution efficiency regionally and across the U.S. supply chain. It will also reduce truck traffic and freeway congestion in the Los Angeles Basin and the Inland Empire.".

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