Listing provided courtesy of Manuel De La Herran of De La Herran Real Estate. Last updated 2024-07-16 09:18:01.000000. Listing information © 2024 Sandicor.

Asking Price: $1,315,000

Lemon, Hesperia CA 92345

Community: ​

This Lots/Land property was built in and is priced at $1,315,000. Please see the additional details below.
  • 0 Sq Ft
  • bathrooms
  • bedrooms
  • MLS#: 306147868
  • Type: Lots/Land
  • Year Built:
The zoning allows for a variety of industrial and commercial activities, making it ideal for development into warehouse or industrial facilities. Here's a breakdown of the permitted uses: Commercial storage facilities (mini-warehouse). Contractors storage yard. Equipment (large) sales and rental. Equipment (small) sales and rental. Lumber yard and building materials (wholesale). Manufacturing (indoors). Offices (administrative, business, executive, and professional, excluding medical or dental). Outdoor storage, incidental to the primary use. Publishing and printing. Retail sales ancillary to a manufacturing use on-site (floor area not to exceed 15% of gross floor area up to a maximum of 7,500 square feet). Truck terminal. Vehicle repair major. Vehicle repair minor. Vehicle wash facilities. Warehousing and wholesale distribution centers 200,000 square feet or less. Accessory structures and uses customarily incidental to any permitted uses when located on the same site with the main building and use. Veterinary services - clinics and small animal hospitals (short-term boarding). Other similar uses, as interpreted by the Development Services Director or his/her designee. This information provides a clear understanding of the potential development opportunities for the land. If you're interested in purchasing or developing this property, you may want to consider conducting further research and due diligence to ensure it aligns with your objectives and meets any specific requirements or regulations.

Call or Email Criss Crozier now to inquire about this property
