Listing provided courtesy of Shannon Sung of Giving Tree Realty Group Inc. Last updated 2024-07-12 09:17:49.000000. Listing information © 2024 Sandicor.

Asking Price: $900,000

96th, Palmdale CA 93591

Community: ​

This Lots/Land property was built in and is priced at $900,000. Please see the additional details below.
  • 0 Sq Ft
  • bathrooms
  • bedrooms
  • MLS#: 306215966
  • Type: Lots/Land
  • Year Built:
According to LA County Planning Dept, this parcel is zoned A-2-1 and in the Southeast Antelope valley CSD. To comply with zoning standards, buyer to provide legal access to the property, water, sewer or septic and gas or propane; to construct on the property. Zone A-2: Heavy Agriculture: Permitted Uses: Uses permitted in zone A-1 (22.16.030.C) and Animal hospitals, dairies, dog kennels, livestock feed lots, manure spreading, oil wells (22.16.030.C) Minimum Required Area are 10,000 sq. ft./lot (22.110.130 and 22.110.140) 1 to 10 acres depending on the type of structures, uses, and/or numbers and types of animals (22.16.030.C) Maximum Height Limit is 35 ft. for residential uses (22.16.050.B) 13 times buildable area for non-residential uses (22.110.060: Height Limits) Minimum Required Parking is 2 covered spaces per single family residence (22.112.030.B, 22.112.070) Properties developed with single family residences are subject to the same requirements as in zone R-1 (22.16.050) Animal-related structures must be kept a minimum of 50 feet from streets and highways and structures used for human habitation (22.16.030.C) Stands for the display and sales of products grown on the property must be wooden, not larger than 300 sq. ft., not nearer than 20 feet from a street, and on a parcel of at least 1 acre (22.16.030.C), possible for Solar Panel system Ground: Source:

Call or Email Criss Crozier now to inquire about this property
