Listing provided courtesy of Brett Baumann of Mariposa Homes and Land Co.. Last updated 2024-12-28 10:18:19.000000. Listing information © 2024 Sandicor.

Asking Price: $999,000

6071 Cya, Mariposa CA 95338

Community: ​

This Lots/Land property was built in and is priced at $999,000. Please see the additional details below.
  • 0 Sq Ft
  • bathrooms
  • bedrooms
  • MLS#: 306330691
  • Type: Lots/Land
  • Year Built:
437+/- Acres with year-round water Running through the property (Lyons Creek) and also adjoins 2,000+ acres of BLM Land and is just minutes from the Mariposa Airport! There are 2 old non-permitted log structures on the property but given no value. There is substantial evidence of wildlife on the subject property so this would be a great Hunting Property! There is also power on the property. The property is located at an elevation of 3,000-3500 which is the snow line in Mariposa County CA and is also home to Yosemite National Park which is only 40 minutes away. There is a good access road to the subject property which is also maintained by CA Dept. of Forestry.

Call or Email Criss Crozier now to inquire about this property
